Its amazing what the world has come to. First there was modesty now there's love. First there was truth now there are lies. First there was knowledge, now we're just a bunch of fools watching movies and advertisements that not only promote materialism but also demote modesty.
Now when you see this advertisement, what is the first thing that comes to mind? Who do you think are the audience?
Since I already mentioned materialism you would like to know where does the materialistic view come around in this ad. Well let's break this ad down to 3 different bits. The top bit with the Logo (True); the middle bit with the picture; and the last bit with the punch line.
The first (top) bit
When you look at the ad the first thing you might look at (depending on where your eyes go first would either be the middle or the top; either case you'd definitely look at the top before going down) would the word True with an underline on the letter u. Some that is True is consistent with fact or reality, or in other words real. The first thing that would pop up in almost every other guy's head would be like "I wish... let me check it out...". Why? because he thinks that this is real. Some other guys would think, who probably have had the experience, "Impossible... never happens..." but then he still go checks the ad. Why? because True does not only symbolise real but it has an underlined U... "It's for You"...
The middle bit
Its a bit self-explanatory so I wouldn't mention too much just the fact that its eye-catching.
The last bit
Now we have the punch line. "What's more fun than love?" Any kid who has gone through his teens most probably knows the meaning of love (which is due to the fact that every normal human has hormones). The kid knows that it was fun while it lasted so the kid wants to feel the fun more. He does not want to be deprived of the "high".
.... Lost my train of thought... That's what happens when you blog at work.