Sunday, March 20, 2005


Its been a long time since I blogged... Its really because I have been through a phase... A phase that probably everyone goes through at least once in their lives... A phase of blackout...

Now different people experience different kinds of blackouts. For one it might mean a medical condition while for another its just a mood change. For me, however, it was time where I had a chance to look.

I looked at several things... I looked hard and for some wierd reason I felt safe... I felt safe within... and with this feeling I began to reflect... I began to think about my job, my life, my past, my present and my future... I began to think whether all the money I earn and the all the money I spend... what does it mean? I live to earn and spend to live... its a cycle that keeps going on and on and on...

Reminds me of a riddle during my school days... What goes on and on and has an I in the middle?

It is only those people who reflect that can see... The only thing I saw going on in this world was WAR... War on Terror... War on Iraq... War in Afganistan... It reminded me of my college days when we had a debate, the topic "Is war necessary for peace?" or something like that... There were many speeches and rebuttals... The only thing that prevailed in my thoughts was the fact that "War is necessary for Peace" but a war without vision... without faith... without mercy... is in fact not a War but a massacre...

All of us might remember the famous almost-irresistable have-to-watch movie Braveheart... What the guy (Mel Gibson) fought for was FREEDOM which obviously is misinterpreted in many ways. So let me just bring in the picture of Mr. Osama and place it on Mel Gibson... what is so different? Same thought... same vision...

This is getting a bit too far ahead... let me move one step back and go back to the point I originally stated... Not a War but a massacre... A war is usually done with a vision... The War on Terror for example is being carried out (amazingly by several countries - I wonder why they don't call it World War 3) with the vision: "Eradication of Terrorism". That is like saying you want to "Eradicate Burglary". Isn't mugging a for of terrorism? You want to "Eradicate killing of Innocent People"? Since when are the Palestinians not innocent?

A war is also done with faith... As history proves that many a war has been fought with a specific faith/religion being supported in the process...

And finally a war is not a war if there is no mercy... Mercy for the civilians... Mercy for the PoWs... Mercy for the country...

This is just one of the things I saw... and this is what I understood from what I saw... The who understands knows... And I for one... know what the near future lies (although it might not all be correct for nobody can really know the future)... for me and for the world...

I will be starting a new journey... I journey where I will ride on the saddle of patience...


Anonymous said...

Your blog keeps getting better and better! Your older articles are not as good as newer ones you have a lot more creativity and originality now keep it up!

Anonymous said...

You are a very smart person!