Wednesday, September 28, 2005


From Finding Happiness at Work
Read the following statements about each basic desire. If they strongly describe you mark "+" if they somewhat describe you mark "0," and if they apply to you very little mark "-":

1. Curiosity. I have a thirst for knowledge. +

2. Acceptance. I have a hard time coping with criticism. -

3. Order. It upsets me when things are out of place. 0

4. Physical Activity. Physical fitness is very important to me. 0

5. Honor. I am a highly principled and loyal person. +

6. Power. I often seek leadership roles. +

7. Independence. Self-reliance is essential to my happiness. 0

8. Social Contact. I am known as a fun-loving person. +

9. Family. My children come first. -

10. Status. I am impressed by people who own expensive things. -

11. Idealism. Compared with most people, I am very concerned with social causes. 0

12. Vengeance. It is very important to me to get even with those who insult or offend me. 0

13. Romance. Compared with my peers, I spend much more time pursuing or having sex. -

14. Eating. I love to eat and often fantasize about food. -

15. Saving. I hate throwing things away. +

16. Tranquility. It scares me when my heart beats rapidly.

Now, look at your "plus" items. These are your priorities, and you should have five or six of them.

1. Curiosity. I have a thirst for knowledge. +
They don't have any crappy piece of way to gain knowledge here with that "Colleague" in front of me..

5. Honor. I am a highly principled and loyal person. +
I do my work as required of me, always go by the book and extremely hate work politics...

6. Power. I often seek leadership roles. +
I like to lead my own self then others... You wouldn't be anywhere without leadership...

8. Social Contact. I am known as a fun-loving person. +
It's nice to have a friendly conversation here and there...

15. Saving. I hate throwing things away. +
I hate wasting... so yea...

Although I totally disagree with:
"To do well in a career and enjoy life, people need to be in a job and work environment that are compatible with their intrinsic desires," concludes Reiss. "By repeatedly doing those things that fulfill your values, there is no limit to how meaningful and happy your life can be."

Repeatedly doing anything gives me the bore... New challenges within these fields are always interesting...


Sahar said...

I totally just forgot what I wanted to say to you.. oh haan, yaad aaya. One of my best friends in the whole wide world, (who I cannot believe even feels this way! Going against me and all..)thinks you're hilarious. And is absolutely in love with your comments on my blog.

Hence, everytime we discuss my blog, she starts asking about your comments, and whether you've posted lately or not. And let me assure you, it is very, very annoying. To the point where I have to physically threaten her. But, sometimes, verbal threats such as 'I will block him on my blog' work too.

Haha! Poor soul, didn't even know that there is no way to block someone from commenting on your blog, and bought it!

(We don't totally disagree though because I do think you're hilarious. I just don't let her know that! Hehe!)

Jason said...

Lmao.. and here I thought I was lonely.. :p

Jason said...

Thank you very much bro/sis Anonymous but been there read that...