So today, I was supposed to learn about speed.. and learn I did... This phrase is used and abused over and over... but I gotta say it...
There's a first time for everything...
So all was well today.. got on the horse basic instructions again.. trotted off as usual... slowly increased the speed... However, couldn't really understand the changing of the speed thingy... Sometimes the horse would really go fast.. and other times slowly.. as if its expecting me to do something... so generally the lesson wasn't going that great... coz I couldn't understand... When I asked the trainer, he said that the horse knows when you are in the right position and will move faster accordingly... and he sorta showed me the right position...
Then I go... start the round off with trotting speed... move up to a little faster... by the time I was half-way around the 500m thingy... I increased the speed.. and whoa... as my co-author rightly predicted.. and I quote "break
neck speed"... I increased the speed half-way to the starting mark so I was really going fast... then turning around the starting point (going left) I accidentally.. accidentally being the key word... increases the speed again... and the horse loses its balance... and I lose my grip.. and...
I hit the ground.. butt/back first... didn't break nething... especially not the neck as my co-author suggested!!! Thank God for that.. wasn't a hard fall... soft sand everywhere.. got up right away.. Trainer says I did good... next time I won't fall.. coz I know what to do and what not to do.. sorta anyway.. got back on the horse and took another 2 rounds... not as fast.. although the horse tried to run at 'breakneck speed" again but I slowed it down coz I wasn't balanced properly... did go above average speed though...
Sorry no pics.. but I promise I'll get some soon... Hail Horsie!!! lol...