Tuesday, December 21, 2004

The End is near...

People say live life to the fullest... Life is short... Enjoy as much as you can... What is the point? Why do we need to enjoy our life even though we're going to die anyway? Nothing stays forever..

2005 promises to be a year when we see a greater emergence of technologies yet the days pass by and the feeling of nullness and incompleteness increases... Are you satisfied? Satisfaction comes from a sense of completion... You are satisfied when you do a good day's work.. But what's the end-result? You have to work even more.. Managers are never satisfied or so it seems...

This feeling is also due to lovelessness... If there's no love there's no life... But that's only for people who don't have parents... Parents are the key to life... They show you what love is... and friends show you how to pull love's legs... Fact is everybody needs to be loved and everybody IS loved... either by someone they know, parents, girlfried, boyfriend, etc. or by someone who they have never met and probably never will... or simply by some unseen force... like God...

--- Random thoughts...


Sahar said...


(Will comment later. Just woke up so too groggy, and not to forget - bad breath)

Sahar said...

Where are you? I miss ya...