Tuesday, March 29, 2005

Forgetful Jones

Its been almost a week since I have blogged.. I had thought about many things to write about but never had the chance to even jot those thoughts down on a piece of paper... Having no thoughts listed out to write about I am sort of empty handed when I start writing this post...
Its amazing how we talk to ourselves and think things over... and then we just tend to forget them... How many times have you thought of something and then forgotten it?

"To forget is human..." - Me (at least I think so)

Its always easier to forget than it is to remember. Remembering requires more effort than forgetting. Apparantly that's common with nature; earming requires more effort than spending; pulling water from the well requires more effort than drinking... etc...


Work is tiring... Wish I could just do some managerial stuff, earn good money and find peace...


Hope the people in Indonesia are doing better after the Earthquake... God what is happenin to this world? Tsunami and now this...

1 comment:

Sahar said...

The end is near...