Wednesday, March 23, 2005

The week has ended and two days of vacation (i.e. no work) have almost begun. Its amazing that we always wait for the weekend to come. Its more amazing that we want it to come more because we don't want to do anything. But of course not all weekends are empty.

Last weekend I went on a road trip. Its sort of my favorite past-time (driving). I sometimes wish there was a road to everywhere in this world and I could be the only one who has driven on every street. Fantasies can be misleading.

That reminds me... I used to play a game called Final Fantasy... Lovely game... Nice story to it too... I wonder if they can make these kind of games more like reality... Or maybe I should start this kind of game...

In any case, weekend seems to be the only time where I can look back on the past 5 days and reflect. Being able to understand and being able to see the past are very important for planning for the future. In other words, you can only know (at least to an extent) what will happen in the future by completely understanding the past.

"The past moulds the future" - Wonder if anybody has already said that...


Sahar said...

I don't understand why the fuck you have to be so goddamn philosophical all the time. Can't you just talk about how your life is going about, like the rest of them normal people?

Jason said...

I'm philosophical bcoz philosophy let's u see "beyond it"... And that's what I'm tryin to get... To go Beyond and find that inner peace...

Sahar said...

Jason, shut up.

Jason said...

And you would know???

Jason said...

You're better off having an electrical husband :P lol... Very few natural people can handle that... Good luck with your search :D

Sahar said...

There comes out Jason's weak areas...
Don't worry Nikoo, we'll both find devils like that. Oh shoot! There is just one...
Okay, girl, mud-wrestling tiiiiime!