Tuesday, April 05, 2005


Recently I just started giving no heed to spoon and fork (forget about using chopsticks). Why has man created these tools when God has created hands? Why not just use your hands to eat rather than using two pieces of carved out metal.

In my experience, while using my hands to eat I feel more satisfied (fuller). On the other hand if I use a spoon I feel I need to more... more to eat... feel unsatisfied.

Am I going against evolution? Heck who isn't?


Krishna said...

You cannot call most of the asian sub-continent's eating habits Barbarism!! As long as it does not put others who are sitting near you off from eating themselves, anything goes.

Jason said...

Put others off.. That is the point.. Many people look at you in a certain way when you leave the spoon/fork and go for the food...

Hell of a first impression eh?