Thursday, April 07, 2005

Ice Cream

Have you ever tried having Ice Cream with a fork? I was feeling bored and I didn't want to wash the piled up dishes since yesterday so I decided, being lazy that I was, to have Ice Cream and fulfill the couch potato legacy...

Only to my surprise I found no clean spoon available... At that second *TING* and idea struck and my eyes were focused on the lovely and lonely fork... ~Tan Ta Ra ra~ Mr. Fork saves the day.. I took the fork and started eating...

You cannot imagine how incredibly fun it is doing something new... And I had my few minutes of extreme fun... The fun although changed into frustation at the end when some of the Ice Cream that had melted just wouldn't get onto the fork... After a coupla tens of times of trial and error I finally decided to drink the remaining part... This is where a new challenge arose..

How exactly do you drink from a plate?

After the whole episode was over I decided that I'd be better off doing the dishes every time I eat.. Since I don't have much to do anyway...


Sahar said...

That's why normal people lick the plate/cup when the ice cream is dripping...

Jason said...

Actually.. normal ppl leave the plate as is...

Psst, umm.. guess so lol...

Sahar said...

Oh great! Forgive me if I lick my goddamn ice cream plate...

::raises eyebrow::

And no, I'm not happy. Jase is an idiot. Toodles.