Saturday, June 04, 2005

The spammers like me.. for some reason I just keep on gettin these dumb junk mails that I have to delete over and over again...

I saw a Viagra ad the other day... Quite an interesting analogy they used there... Man where do these thinkers come from... I would never have thought of actually using a straw to symbolize what it did and a Coke cup to symbolize what that did... These thinkers may be the only reason creativity still exists... (Just in case you're wondering what kind of cup, the pic's on the right)

Its been quite a bit of time I haven't blogged... Probably because I'm not very particular about blogging anyway... Even so, I have been keeping myself busy. Working 9 hours a day, coming home to an empty house. Preparing dinner (actually lunch since I don't eat anything till 530). Eating. Going window shopping.

I recently got in touch with my dad. He didn't recognize me at first, thinking I was calling him coz he owed me money (I think he was drunk). In any case, he said, "Oh, how you doin son? Been a long time hasn't it? Well son, I have one thing to say to you. You have made me proud."

Me: "How so?"
Him: "You have worked your way up."
Me: "Haven't we all?"
Him: "Sure, but you have done well."
Me: "I don't quite think so."
Him: "Well, I do. And believe me when I say this, you're better than your other brothers."
Me: "Well, I don't really know my other brothers."
Him: "That is another issue..."
Me: "Do you need money?"
Him: "Why do you say that?"
Me: "You thought I owed you money in the beginning of..."
Him: "These people keep on bothering me..."
Me: "Maybe because you really owe them."
Him: "When are you going to visit your grandmother?"
Me: "She has been dead for 10 years."
Him: "Don't get smart on me young man."
Me: "How much do you need pops?"
Him: "About 10 grand."
Me: "I'll send half of that tomorrow."
Him: "Thanks kid, I knew you were better than the others."
Me: "Don't start. Talk to ya laters."

There goes my vacation in the States...


Sahar said...

Oh, my...


Sahar said...

He sucks!

Jason said...

Ain't something new... I guess...

Sahar said...


Anonymous said...

Nice the way you comment for each other--kind of peek into each other's thoughts and give hugs and kisses there.....

Jason said...

Thanks for the compliment

Sahar said...

Yes, thanks a lot.

Sahar said...
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Sahar said...

Hey, who's Furqan?

Furqan said...

Its me... :D

Friend of Jason's... possibly villa-mate.. lol..

Sahar said...

Hie Furqan. Nice to meet you. I hope you enjoy your stay here. Give me hell, and I'll bite your head off. Take care.

Khuda Hafez