Wednesday, February 01, 2006


So I've got an idea of starting a business... Well who hasn't thought about doing their own business... But yea, the idea of waking up whenever you want seems to interest me nowadays more than ever... For some reason the past few days I've been coming to work late, its just that my eyes won't open...

So yea, back to the business idea, I see there's sort of a gap in the community over here and I think I can fill it up... Should be interesting...

I'll probably be around quitting my current job... But let's see what happens... It takes two weeks to get an approval on the business plan by SAGIA and they decide whether they'd like you to continue or whether your plan is BS... I had heard that you have to have around half a million Riyals to start your own thing, but then I contacted them today (from my current office - does that make me a hypocrite?) and the guy said that there is no such limit and I should just put in the application and see what happens... So I'll fill in the application and see what happens...

Hopefully things will work out... (as they say, InshaAllah)...


Anonymous said...

besides allowing you to get up when you please,in your own thing, sky is the limit....ofcourse returns come much later,but yea it is a definate advantage.
btw what business would you like to start?

Jason said...

Something that is missing from the Saudi society right now... Providing youth with the right direction...

Anonymous said...

do u mind elucldating on it?i want to understand your point...

Jason said...

Well the thing is.. Some parents are religious and their kids turn out to be totally opposite.. What I want to do with my business is create a set of individuals that are on the middle path.. They know right from wrong.. etc.

That elaborate enough?

Anonymous said...

So you are starting a new religion. I see. Interesting.

Jason said...

ROFL... I don't think I can...