Monday, October 30, 2006

It certainly has been a long time...

I can't believe I haven't written since August... Amazing... Maybe this is what they call Writer's Block (in a Blog)...

In any case, a bit of sanity has returned after a month of almost 0% technology... But work never seems to stop and we start another day either hating ourselves for getting us into whatever we have gotten into or loving ourselves for not getting anywhere and still having something to show for it...

Still there is a lot of work to be done... There always is... and for some reason the only thing that is done is not enough or unsatisfactory... But sometimes new is good... Improving yourself is the only way forward... and by improving yourself, you are eventually improving your surroundings...

Well I'll get back to work... More from me in the next few days hopefully... Stay tuned... :-)


Anonymous said...

good on is worship.

Anonymous said...

Welcome back!:D
All hail Jason!!