Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Death of Morality

What is right and what is wrong? I think this has been asked over and over again everywhere in the world in all times... The first man down to the last this question will keep on repeating itself... With different answers...

But the real question is not this... and people have failed and will continue to fail to realize that the actual question quite obviously is what is the criteria of right and wrong...

In this day and age, there is a very thin, almost transparent, line between these two... I say it as if it were black and white... The thing is, it is black and white... There is no grey area in between... There is no such thing as "okay"... It is either right or it is wrong...

There are some times when things that are normally wrong are right.. such as telling a lie to stop a fight... but it is for a greater good and therefore it is right... It does not fall in the grey area...

I just hope some people will start a revolution for the resurrection of morals...


Absology said...

We need a criterion to help us define it. Some use religion, others use the morals defined by their parents and their culture and so on.

Jason said...

Oh yes... I forgot to elaborate on the criteria... Actually I saved half of the post as a draft and never really got back to it until yesterday when my thought process was out... In any case... The Criterion... hopefully next post...

Anonymous said...

Long time no see...hope you are good!

Jason said...

Almost... but yea... alive... :-)