Friday, March 28, 2008

Force of Gravity

I hate this feeling of morbid,penetrating sadness.As if it has permeated and settled in my very bones.Something's brewing in my system currently which makes me want to grudge and complain..but there are so many "mes" within me...the other me counsels gratitude and patience.I know it will prevail eventually,more like it will HAVE to prevail.There is no escaping life,whatever comes your way you gotta deal with it.Thankfully we are equipped with the armour of faith to fight our way through.What would it be like if we could not recognize the Creator and his anchor?I don't know what would become of me in that case...

Haha....I feel bad for thrusting this on my reader.Excuse my ramblings,gravity played tricks with me today and brought me low!

Posted by Co-Author: Ayesha but deleted...


Ayesha said...

So bad of you!!!Grrr

Jason said...

I thought it was a work of a genius... I was afraid that you would not be noticed... :D

Ayesha said...

Fair enough.Now that you've been so kind how can I show my gratitude?Perhaps by publishing some of your masterpieces...:D

Anonymous said...

Reminds me of the analogy in the Qur'an, that if there were more than one God they would fight among themselves about who gets to do what, or something to this effect.

Two owners of one blog, and we don't know what to post or what not to post, each transgressing the right of the other.

I'm not trying to make you fight, by the way. I just genuinely remembered the ayaat.

Jason said...

Yes, it is true of what two powers will do if they ruled over one thing... Greek mythology is a perfect example..

But in the end.. the power is to one alone.. to the real Creator..

Since I created the blog, I have a few more rights over the blog than my co-author does... But I will give her credit for making my blog more interesting that in actually was...

Absology said...

Yes, you have more rights, but still there can become conflict.
I hope my statement wasn't misunderstood, I was merely pointing out the wisdom of the ayaat that refute polytheism.

Ayesha said...

He doesn't fight and I need a bigger reason to initiate a conflict...:D
Neither do I grudge his "reserved rights".

No misunderstandings,no nothings...come here often..