Sunday, June 01, 2008

Where am I now?

I think its quite obvious now that things didn't go as planned. However, as promised, here is a post.

For the past few weeks I have been quite busy with different stuff... Stuff like work, studies and simple time-wasters... I guess some it is has to do with something that hit me perhaps a couple of weeks ago... I am 25...

Don't get me wrong, its not like I didn't know I was 25.. I did.. its just that I didn't absorb the fact till recently. You could say its like a mid-life crisis.. but it isn't my mid-life.. not yet at least I hope...

Anyway... as a kid or a teen I wanted to do so much by 25... I wanted to be a businessman... I wanted to better the world... I wanted to be somewhere... and that is definitely not here...

But hey, realistically, not all was possible.. and I acknowledge that... but looking back... I think I could have done alot of different things... but I didn't... perhaps because I'm part slacker part lazy...

Oh well... It's about time I do start something... and hopefully I will... so stay tuned...


Creation said...

25 and still not married ?! Haraam! You've WASTED your time!!!

Jason said...

Haha... I know ppl who are 10 years older than me and haven't married... They have wasted their life as well according to you...

Marriage happens when it happens... Besides its not like its the end of the world...

Ayesha said...

Life does NOT race @ 140 kms/hour!:P