Monday, July 14, 2008

What should we do?

Another month on automatic drive/cruise control... Thoughtless and mindless continuum of life that never seems to end (i.e. continuum not life :-) hehe)...

I'm a relative fan of Boston Legal and I try to watch it whenever it is on... Sundays 9pm local time but I have managed to miss quite a bit.. especially in the last month...

Except yesterday... and I really loved this part of the 4th episode in the 4th season... the closing of a court case:
I come from England. There was a time when the whole world belonged to us. It took a while for us to make peace with the idea that it didn't anymore, and probably never did. Lovely idea, I suppose, the thought of imposing one's culture all over the globe. I think the world once belonged to America, too, or so you thought. It really doesn't.
And then I thought... Aren't we trying to impose our values to others... In fact we are trying to do it all the time... whether it is through blogging, through the media, or just plain through religion... What we really want, I guess, is for everybody to just get along... we all have good intentions.. but then again:

The road to hell is paved with good intentions.

I don't know... I guess we need to define what we need to impose and what we shouldn't... the question of criteria comes in again..

How would the world be if there was one basic set of morals that everyone would follow?

  1. Respect all people regardless especially parents
  2. You shall not murder
  3. You shall not commit adultery
  4. You shall not steal
  5. You shall not lie
  6. You shall keep promises
  7. You shall give charity
  8. You shall care for orphans
  9. You shall be just in all your dealings
  10. You shall not be arrogant

I'm sure there are quite a bit more but these are the ones that come to mind...

But what do we do if someone does not follow them? Punishment? Isolation? War? or just plain Preach and hope they get better?


Ayesha said...

What an impressive opening...Almost looks like my pen @ work...:D

Absology said...

Denny Crane. She's having my baby. Denny Crane.

Anonymous said...

Who's having your baby ?

Caspar Thomas Langer said...

5 stars post