Sunday, December 12, 2004

21st Century Lifelessness

Our communication - Wireless
Our business - Cashless
Our telephone - Cordless
Our cooking - Fireless
Our youth - Jobless
Our religion - Creedless
Our food - Fatless
Our faith - Godless
Our labour - Effortless
Our conduct - Worthless
Our relation - Loveless
Our attitude - Careless
Our feelings - Heartless
Our politics - Shameless
Our education - Valueless
Our Follies - Countless
Our arguments - Baseless
Our commitment - Aimless
Our poor - Voiceless
Our life - Meaningless

Finally, Our existence - Useless????


For a moment there I did think it was useless.. but then u can argue that life is a gift of God... which is a very valid argument... Is God testing us in this world?


Sahar said...

Yes, he is. And am glad you saw the other side too! :) (L)

Jason said...

If He is then what are u preparing for Him?

Sahar said...

What tha hell's your problem? Geez... what's with the foul mood anyway?