Tuesday, December 28, 2004


Why are promises broken so easily? Why do people barely remember their promises? To err is human... but to break people's heart... Is that really necessary? I'm not saying I haven't broken any promises.. Maybe I have.. I just don't remember any of them...

Why doesn't Love last? Is it really meant to last? Love is just an illusion... That is why arranged marriages are better... They last longer than any love marriages... Statistics show that...

Once I had loved
Someone so dear
Who is no where near

Had took her troubles
and made them into bubbles
Drove away her fear

Soon I had to go
Which ended our flow
Now its just too much to bear

I have to move on
Try to live on
But the end is so near

Once I had loved
Someone so dear
Who is no where near

Maybe I should disappear...


Jason said...

I thought everybody's gonna say stop with the crappy poetry :P

Sahar said...
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Jason said...

U wonder why what?

Why I should disappear or why I had loved in the first place?