Sunday, February 06, 2005

Ran away...

Sometimes you feel like running away... hiding from the rest of the world... Well that's what I did...

I ran away from my job coz I just wanted to.. I couldn't take it anymore... I had it upto here with that manager... So I just took off... obviously I had completed all my tasks before I left.. I had prepared a handover document before-hand and made it available but never showed anybody.. hehe... my secret run-away plan worked... well until now anyway..

Today was my first day with another company offering a lot lesser than I was getting.. but the team seems to be nice.. very friendly... no stress... just work as you want.. The hours are longer though.. but that's not much of a problem.. I barely have anything else to do anyway...

And so I took a turn towards an unknown road and caught up with several friendly travellers... maybe this road will take me to a better future...

1 comment:

Sahar said...

I'm glad you did what you did. Respect is always more important than money. Support you 100%. Good luck in this new venture. Mwah!

Saher :)