Sunday, January 30, 2005


Main Entry: an·noy
1 : to disturb or irritate especially by repeated acts
2 : to harass especially by quick brief attacks
Taken from

I seem to annoy tons of people, startin from my Manager all the way to the other half of the world. There are people all around me who just seem to be annoyed by me. And for some reason, I don't care. They can get all annoyed they want. This is what I am. I do want to change but I don't want to at the same time. You see, I'm in a crisis at the moment... My heart is telling me something completely different to what my mind wants me to do... I'm in a total state of confusion and I have always been since... well I don't really know...

My part-time employer is really pissed off with me because I left him hanging in front of a customer. But why did I do that? He thinks (well I sorta made him think too) that its because he didn't pay half of my "salary" when I was on a salary basis. Well that's one reason I guess... Another is that he took a responsibility and didn't do it... and now blames it all on me... well let him blame it... your loss... you lose the project... what are you going to do... sue it out of me?

Then there is another reason.... When I asked you a couple of hundreds of times to tell me the budget so that I can plan accordingly... you said we'll decide later... well hard luck dude, later is past and no word from you... time's up and the money's gone...

Well he has talked to my current manager who seems to be very impressed by his story... he's coming over so that my manager can hear both sides... Apparantly he tells me he was crying.. what a show... all his employees left him and I was his last hope maybe... now the fuel has dried up from the burning lamp... time to file in for bankruptcy or just continue with your jobs like you were doing before anyway...

So there you go... a story of a person I annoyed so much... There are definitely others but maybe I'll leave 'em for some other time...

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