Thursday, September 20, 2007

Are you not entertained?

Once upon a time there were a group of people who used to work their behinds off during the day only to relax and stare at the sky in the night... These people were very happy... They had time to spend on their families, friends and neighbors... Talking, playing and doing loads of other things...

Suddenly it changed... they had found a way to entertain people... and people started spending less time with their friends and spent that time in front of the tv/radio... they couldn't imagine the amount of entertainment they could get in just one hour... It is in man's nature to be greedy... Where there is greed there is demand...

All in all people started living their own lives secluded with a world of entertainment in front of them... they can turn it on or off whenever they want... and now it is a part of life that is just irreplaceable...

I just spent some time walking to the laundromat rather than driving to it... really made me appreciate the time I spend getting entertained by the tv...

How much more time can we spend on entertainment? Are we still not entertained?

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