Wednesday, November 28, 2007

The gift of time...

Another year... another step forward... or is it backward... We grow up learning something every day... whether we know it or we don't... Eventually some of us learn to use the information we have learnt... others just disregard the information and do not wish to think about it...

We have been given the best of gifts... the gift of time... but even though it is the best gift... it is a dangerous one as well... There is a saying among the Arabs... Time is like a sword, if you don't cut it (use it), it will cut you...

Looking back at the quarter of a century that I have almost spent in this world... I have done little good... and more bad... but I guess that has made me who I am... but then again... Who am I really?

How many people have I hurt? How many have I not helped while I could?

Does my past define me or do my future plans determine my personality? Have the choices that I made in the past going to affect my choices in the future?

Am I looking for the meaning of life and understanding it?

Regardless of whether I was good or bad... The past is past... I have made quite a few mistakes... and perhaps learned from them... perhaps I didn't learn enough... but then... Time has a way of healing the past... and gives you hope of a better future...

I just hope I have a better future than I had in the past...

25 years old... curious mind of a young'in... stained heart of an old man...

The secret of my mind is my lack of faith... (i.e. not enough faith)... I guess...

I have no idea what I wrote...

1 comment:

Jason said...

Lol... Its perfectly fine... Thank you for the wish...

I would think that the past only defines us if we choose not to learn from it...

Hope you're liking it here in the Kingdom...