Monday, January 10, 2005

Came across...

I came across this interesting blog... Although I haven't read all of it... but looks interesting...

My mind was wandering around several things that I couldn't understand and now can't remember... I came across several different things that are unbelievable...

You know what? Maybe I am insane deep down inside and just show sanity on the outside... Maybe my heart is dead and my mind is controlling my body... or maybe its just the other way around...

Dreams make up a vital part of your life... Its a state of the soul where it can possibly see the future or show you signs so that you may understand what you should be doing...

If laughter is the best medicine then why does it hurt when you laugh?

1 comment:

Sahar said...

Sez who, it hurts when you laugh?

I'm feeling real sucky, and lonely right now. I wanna hold someone.