Saturday, January 08, 2005

Oh yes!!!

I finally get to evaluate my manager... I guess if he sees what I have filled out he's gonna go bonkers and fire me if he could... lol...

Anyway, the days in this new year are much like the days in the past year... the only difference is.. its a new day...

Time is a/the key... You can't use the same key for different people... Its like a running river that never dries up... Every person is in a different boat... These boats join up to make a larger one at times... and vice versa, some of these boats break up into smaller ones... Some boats get old and break/sink... Some are destroyed by the tide... and some are destroyed by other boats...

I've seen one too many movies recently and i'm gettin a bit tired of happy endings and fiction... I want reality... I want more than a true-story based movie... I want it real... What am I talkin about?

Boredom only gets over you if your mind is idle or is limited to specific repititive actions... I want a challenge... I want to move forward... I want ...... so many things I don't have...

1 comment:

Sahar said...

Listening to Losing Grip by Avril Lavigne. Seem to be obssessed with this whole angry school girl deal. Weird.