Tuesday, August 21, 2007


So I decided to take some tests as well... here's what I came up with...

Which College Major Should You Be?

Your major should be Engineering. Logic is your friend. With enough work, you can find a solution to anything... Unless it involves dating or parties.
Find Your Character @ BrainFall.com

Which Disney Villain Are You?

You are part Jafar. "How many times do I have to kill you boy?" You just want to be big and powerful... Is that so much to ask? I mean, you deserve it.
You are part Scar. Pride and respect matter to you most. Like you said yourself, "Simba, it's to die for." You are the most vicious of all villains. You even killed your brother. Worst still, you did it on the big screen in front of millions of little, unexpecting children. You, single handedly, can make a whole generation admit they cried: once.
Find Your Character @ BrainFall.com

Friday, August 17, 2007

Emotions-Part 2

<-- Part 1
There are times when there are outbursts of emotions... but there are times when there is nothing... a feeling of emptiness... of complete and utter blankness... A time you do not know what to feel... a time everybody goes through...

This is however, a sign of lack of control over self... but how much of your emotions can you really control?

The answer is a complicated one... You can't really control most of your emotions... but emotions can be controlled by something else... hmmm... Here's an example... Imagine yourself living in a forest all your life... like Tarzan... then all of a sudden you see forest trees cut down... what do you feel? Now imagine yourself as a lumberjack... living everyday of your life to cut down trees...

With TV (i.e. everything on it) you switch between these emotions in a split second... and when you do, an influx of two different kinds of hormones... leave you where?


In part 1, love was mentioned as an emotion... but love is also tied in with lust (in case of the significant other)... Where do you really draw the line? Is love really love without lust? What does literature and entertainment describe love as? Would they really make the heartbroken feel more miserable if the lust aspect was taken out of the picture?

Does man really need love? Are mercy, compassion, respect, etc. not enough?

Where does emotion really hit? The mind or the heart? I guess there are certain emotions that hit the mind and some that hit the heart... Can we control ourselves to such an extent that emotions... let me re-phrase... Can we live our lives without emotions?