Wednesday, December 28, 2005


I recently watch Moulin Rouge coz I had nothing better to do. Their emphasis on Bohemian Ideals caught a bit of my attention.

Now Bohemianism started out in 19th century France. Although it has several meanings... All of them revolve around the 4 basic ideals stated in the movie:
  1. Freedom
  2. Beauty
  3. Truth
  4. Love

But isn't there a problem with this pattern?

You have the Freedom to depart from Morals into the lust of never ending Beauty where you start hating underprivileged in beauty (Ugly) - racism? - abiding by being True to your own self even if it means False to others... and Love...

The best thing in life is to love and be loved in return...

Is this really true? Where is the Freedom in being Loved? By default you are bound to the other person once you Love... Or is this part of leaving Morals behind?

Thursday, December 15, 2005

The Degringolade of Conscience

Browsing a magazine this other day, I see some of the victims of natural disasters... I feel sorry for them...

I turn the page...

I see beautiful models dressed in very expensive clothing on the catwalk...

What am I supposed to feel?

Death, sickness, poverty on one side of the page...
Glamor, beauty, money on the other...

I figure they're just out there to kill our conscience... It is only our conscience that keeps us human and if that is dead we're no better than animals...

Considering what is going on is several parts of the world, I believe it just a lack of conscience and nothing else.. We are deteriorating (for lack of a better word... darn there's no proper opposite of Darwinism/Evolution)...

I just hope we can keep our conscience in tact... You're being attacked from everywhere... and soon your conscience will die... like it has died for the rest...

Tuesday, December 13, 2005

A li'l more interesting...

A car is purpose is to take its owner from place to place, and if it breaks down and isn't able to fulfill its purpose, the owner has no use for it. Likewise, if we don't fulfill the purpose for which the Creator and Owner of all created us, then He has no use for us.


You are here to perform a great job -- the greatest and noblest job there is. You are here to know the One Who gave you everything -- everything you have, have had, and ever will have. And then you are to tell others about this One. If you do this correctly, you are successful; if you don't do this, then you have failed to fulfill the purpose for which you were created.

Saturday, December 10, 2005


I don't get these people... There are quite a few novels out there that just exploit beliefs...

Useless people in dire need of publicity...

Tuesday, December 06, 2005


I never thought I'd be blogging about work but here goes...

You get to see managers in your lifetime that seem to be quite competitive. Eventually they turn out to worse than you, except that they know a wee bit more than what you know in a specific field.

We have Program Management Officers who seem to be quite qualified, except that they just know that much and that's all they will ever know. No matter how much you teach them or tell them, nothing will change their perception of something.

We had a meeting discussing the ability of Vendor Project Managers to "Publish" their project plans in our portal. Mind you, the first meeting we had regarding this was 3 months ago and we had decided that the Project Owners (i.e. Project Manager from the - our - Company side) should take the plan and publish it, assigning all tasks to the Project Manager so that he can update it.

Now this meeting started off with discussing the drawbacks of having the Vendor Project Managers publish the plan instead of the Project Owner. The debate went on for some time, then all of a sudden, my fav. colleague (NOT), came in the meeting room (although he was not invited), and gave his suggestion, "Why don't we assign all tasks to the Project Manager and let him update the plan in that way?"

Bloody crap, don't you know we already have these permissions implemented.. Forget him, all the other Project Management Officers were like, "Yeah, why don't we do that... GO ahead and implement this, we review this tomorrow, meeting adjourned..."

Today, they tested it out, don't like it... so we go the same route again in the meeting today...

Time's awasting, dudes...