Wednesday, August 17, 2005

What is the point?

I just don't get it.. What is the point of making a website if you don't have something niche? Everywhere you go, you get the same thing... Forums, Blogs, Auctions, Portfolios, etc. Its all there on the web... What more do we need?


Absology said...

I guess maybe it's the different perspectives given by blogs that interests me.

Sahar said...

Jason, where the hell are you?!

Jason said...

Ummm... Right here??

Anonymous said...

are we not gonna see anymore posts by you jason?renounced blogging?lol!

Anonymous said...

are we not gonna see anymore posts by you jason?renounced blogging?lol!

Sahar said...

Who is this Princess Donna, and why don't I know about her?

Anonymous said...

dun worry sahar,i just came across this page and kinda enjoyed the posts,so u dun know abt me coz i am not known to ur friend at all!!!!

Jason said...

Lol.. Don't worry abt Saher.. she just gets a li'l incy wincy bit jealous coz I don't give the attention she deserves :p

But yea, come here often..

Anonymous said...

LOL!comeon man,if nothing write abt managers...they seem like sinister i could make out after devouring nearly all of your entries!

Sahar said...

Well, if anything.. at least you acknowledge the fact that I do deserve 'the' attention..

Jason said...
