Monday, November 28, 2005


Days come... Days go... Years you look forward to... Years you look back at and remember...

Is life really worth living?

Health: Very limited
Wealth: Just vanishes
Love: Dies after time
Accomplishments: Nobody notices

Why do we celebrate Birthdays? To mark another year in our lives we haven't met the Angel of Death?

Pessimistic one year, Optimistic the next... It's all about living a life for a purpose...

To find THE purpose, the One who created the Universe, provides you with Religion... It is upto us to follow and find the purpose... or just plainly reject it coz we like living the way we live... every breath drawing us closer to darkness... The blinding darkness of old age... The ultimate darkness of the grave... and the final darkness of our soul...


Sahar said...

Happy Birthday, dear. I remembered. Although, I did have two huge projects today, which is clearly why I didn't wish you earlier. Unlike someone else I know, who forgot to. Wish you all the love, luck, health, prosperity, and happiness in the world.

As much as the thought of pisses me off to the core, and as much as I can't stand you. I still wish you well, you jerk. Love.

Sahar said...

projects due today*

the thought of you*

Jason said...


Made my day...

Anonymous said...

Belated happy birthday!!
there is abundant sense in what you say,everything is fleeting,health,wealth,accomplishments,although i am inclined to belive in undying love(or is it a literary notion?)And that brings us to to greater purpose of life.The Hereafter!So even if one does'nt belive in it emotionally ,you cant deny it intellectually.
everything can fail you,but salaah will never fail you,unless ofcourse you fail it by neglecting.
Do say some more on your understanding of the 'purpose of life'!

Anonymous said...

مرحبا :))

يالله اتمنى لكم التوفيق بالبلوق

Jason said...

princess donna:
And here I thought I had no readers... Welcome back.. :D

Maybe I should rephrase that to say something like this:
Love: Hides after time instead of dies.. as you rightly suggested that Love truly never dies... but it hides, leaving you with an empty feeling...

~ se3loah ~:
أهلاً و سهلاً
اتمني لك التفوق ايضاً...

Anonymous said...

Love is most intriguing...i agree when you say it hides after some time,and that sucks hehe!
i wonder where do the poets find the stuff to write about"immoratl" love and the like!lol!