Sunday, April 16, 2006


Haha.. So my good friend Furqan tells me he's banned from MuslimGlobe just because he had confronted the Admin about something un-Islamic he was doing...

This goes to show the poem Furqan wrote was true.. Not only that.. I've asked him to write something on how Muslims hate each other based on what their scholars say...

Let's hope something will come out soon.. But yeah.. I laughed my head off when he told me what the un-Islamic thing was...


American Muslim 1983 said...

I have been banned from sites before because I contacted the admin in reference to his/her violating copyright laws... And the admin was Muslim too...

Rhythmic Explosion said...

you're insane! :P

lol haha furqan was only lookin' out for his brethern. :D

Jason said...

And a lovely job at that... He got fired before he was hired.. LOL