Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Nice poem..

The world is on automatic drive
Time seems so alive
Life is too short to waste
Mankind will soon be replaced

History repeats itself again
Break free of their mind games
Do they have no sense of shame
No to them its all the same

We Muslims should be a different lot
But we got so many weak spots
Tryin to be like who we are not
All in the name of freedom of thought

We Muslims don't understand
They have nothing to do, nothing to prove
We have to face our Lord
We need to prepare
coz we have nothing in our hands

We're proud to bear the Kalimah
Expressing love for Sahabah
How much do we really put in action
of what Islam teaches but only a fraction

Claiming Prophet's love insatiable
but paradise is unattainable
with only love and no amal (actions)
Muslim is nothing but a label
this life becomes so questionable

Do we really need to survive
When we aren't able to strive
To pray to our Lord
For His love noone can afford

We Muslims cannot see
We have just one enemy
Disbelievers waiting for you to snap
To use your shoulder strap
But we fall into their trap
Petty fights between us
Time to put on our thinking cap
And then start to unite
Not on words
But only truth

There is no God except Allah
and Muhammad's His Messenger (SallAllahu Alaihi WaSallam)

By: Furqan aka Sheikh Hitman


Anonymous said...

well written,never mind the authorship!lol!
hmmm are you a muslim jason?i hope you dont mind that one....:p

Absology said...

Haha good rapping !

Anonymous said...

a lovely poem..

Jazak ALlah khair