Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Another year... Another wasted life...

If you have enough free time (which I seem to have quite a lot of)... just sit/lie down under the cloudy sky looking at it... and just think...

Think about your life... What has been done by you... and what people have done... and what you have done about what other people have done... Its amazing... not because you get to use your wasted brain cells in the last year... but because you understand how small you are in this world... Your significance...

It's like comparing the universe with the earth... Loads of different places yet to be discovered... So many people in these places with similar or different feelings... unique experiences...

While people celebrate birthdays, there are others mourning deaths...

Anyway, its quite comforting to have not been wished this year... Innocent deaths in this year have been more than innocent births and I comfort myself in this fact...

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