In any case, I was sort of "told off" by the friend who seems to think... and I quote:
I have to agree... Marriage may be a fundamental need... However, it is not a requirement for life to progress... Emotions... that is a topic for another post... Frustration is only effect of unfulfilled need because you have not given up on the need and you refuse to live/love yourself...Marriage... it's a FuNdAmenTaL need. Not a superficial "want", but an emotional a biological need... which cannot be fulfilled in any other way except matrimony. There are people who choose to remain single though, but unfulfilled needs cause frustration.
Well I really can't argue with that statement... We are created dependant upon each other... Man and Woman; each unique and complete in their own ways... But the Creator did not force it upon us... He gave us an option... And if I decide that I can better worship Him without a mate, so be it...Thus we were created... dependant upon each other... and the Creator has placed comfort for spouses in each other. So when the Creator ordains something going against it is hardly a good idea.
Not necessarily... everybody definitely needs affection and would love to live in it for their whole lives but the reality of the fact even if you do have affection and love, that is not the only thing worth living for in this world...Those who say that they don't need the enwrapment of affection and that they're better off alone... are LiViNg In deNIaL!!
Correction, if the hole's big enough, you can fit anything in it...Family and friends make our lives beautiful... but cannot fill the blazing void for a companion inside us... you can't fit square pegs in round holes.
True but does it really need reversal... Does it need rectification?Previous unpleasant experiences, general aversion or the lack of suitable matches can make us reluctant for a partnership... BUT... none of these reasons are irreversible or beyond rectification!
Live and let live... Learn to live with yourself and you have the character to live with others...
Btw any news of that Paki friend?
Going to meet the prospect on Thursday I think...
The meeting got cancelled... They're going to meet after her A level exams... hehe...
Awww....I was waiting for the meeting!:(
Good for the girl though,would be a bad idea to give exams with half a mind(since the other half would be absorbed in the fiancee's thoughts after meeting him!)Lol!!
Tell your friend that he's not the only one who is disappointed...we too are..hehe..
another of my useless lines :-D
here goes: (sorry 4 d annoyance, hahha)
"when black & blue talk,
my grey goes out 4 a walk"
luv & marriage r funny thingzz... the more i think about thm, the more confused i gt...
i wanna (just)kiss whoevr said: "igonrance z bliss"
Haha...Actually that "blue" in the debate is me.And this was hilarious...farthest from annoyance!
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