Wednesday, June 06, 2007

Just Bitter

I was just thinking about what things I hate in general... I started off with the basic things then moved on to people, things about people, etc.

Then I wondered if anybody ever created a hate list... Its just amazing how many people have thought of things and done them before you even got around to start thinking about them.. I guess that is a reason why we as a people are not innovative...

Anyway, so I thought I'd create a personal reminder for hating things... and here it is...
  1. Hypocrites - I hate two-faced people... People who'd say its wrong and then do it themselves... Double-standard kinda people...
  2. Trumpeteers - Not trumpeters but those who blow their own trumpets... i.e. Those who think of themselves as the best people on this earth...
  3. Wackjobs - Not sick people... most of the celebrities and snobbishly wealthy people...
  4. Wannabes - People who think they know everything about everything... who spent years talking about what they (almost) did and end up talking even more about what they have (not) done...
  5. Insecure - People who use loads of makeup... spend hours in front of the mirror or trying out various (costumes) dresses...
  6. Indifferent - People who know morality is being degraded and yet they utter not a single word...

Then I guess I am thinking... might as well create a wish list as well... I wish...

  1. I never become one of them... never ever...
  2. I was rich... not wealthy but rich...
  3. My dad was a better man... and I will be a better dad...
  4. I was immortal... that way I could live wherever I wanted...
  5. All the people of the world know what their purpose is...

And the thought train has run out of fuel...


Ayesha said...

I am allergic to all these classes of people you mentioned.But yeah,Self-obessesed people sorta top my lsit!I partcularly hate Wicked people...wicked as in...those who rejoice when things wrong with you!

How good it would be if they could be sued for being wicked...

Your wish list...hmm
1.I don't think you can develop any of those stupid traits...

2.You still can be.There is a whole life ahead of you.Hard it might be but prosperity is pretty attainable.When you want it bad enough you'll be able to find your way around.

3.Oh don't'll be a better parent than most parents.Why?Longish story...hehe...another time.

4.Life after death is promised to us...blissful places and eternity.Investing there is a good idea.

5.Sigh!I wish the same...

When the thought train is refuelled...can I hope to see a list of "stuff I like" or "These are a few of my favourite things"!;)

Anonymous said...

nice blog you got here jason.

and i was reading your wish list and i was wondering why you would want to be "just" rich not wealthy?

i remember a funny Chris rock saying:
"you cant get rid of wealth.. wealth passed down from generation to generation...Rich is something you could lose with a crazy son with a drug habit"

Anonymous said...

there is a diff b/w rich and wealthy?

Jason said...

Wealthy = Filthy Rich

Ayesha said...

There is....

The rich have Mercs the wealthy have Choppers!
