Friday, July 06, 2007


It has been something these past few weeks... Things have turned up-side-down and/or all the way around...

First off, basic updates since I know some people are really wanting to hear this... A slight comment/observation before the update... It is quite interesting to see people having an arranged marriage... more interesting is when they are Muslims... You see the way it is done from what I understand, Islamically, you are allowed to see and talk to your wife once before marriage... and the rest of the info you have about that girl is hearsay... Obviously figuring out the family helps but there's a major element of mystery about the whole thing... and that I think is the perfect start to a marriage... Anyway, back to the update... Apparently this girl and my friend had a meeting and asked questions trying to find out about each other... And the outcome is that the girl's family like the guy i.e. my friend and his family... However, it is not yet official because they (i.e. the girl's family) have an extended family (i.e. girl's grandmother etc.) who have to be notified and approve of the guy's family... So essentially it will be officially hopefully in a month... or as they say, InshaAllah...

Secondly, work is getting a little more interesting because I have quite a bit of stuff to do. However, this excitement will be shortlived because the deadline for this work is next week and then I will be free like a bird again...

Thirdly, I am in dire need of hard disk space... I've got 200GB+ worth of movies and I'm out of disk space...

Fourthly, I took a GMAT test and scored low... according to my standards anyway... I had believed that my brain stopped functioning long time ago and this test proved my conviction...

Finally, its almost 4 in the morning and I have to go to sleep to be able to function well tomorrow... even though its the last day of the weekend...

Thinking is the first step to learning...


Ayesha said...

Arranged marriages,sometimes are a better deal than self arranged or love marriages....I am tempted to think so!I am not sure about the statistical corelation between arranged marriages and successful marriages though...hmm
Oh but WHAT questions did they shoot?:p

Nice to know that you are absorbed in work...these days I have nothing to do!

GMAT!!MBA on your mind?WOW!!Well I am also working on my MBA application these days...hehe...low scores can be so de-moraliazing!But yeah try preparig adequately first and then give a shot...that will give you a more accurate result.I think people prepare for months for these tests.

Well ok,have a sound sleep.

Jason said...

I don't really believe in statistics but arranged marriages make more sense.. to me anyway... maybe because I have only seen it until now and not experienced it but I feel that is the right way to go... I guess I'll post my reasoning when I get the time...

Yeah... Distance Learning MBA... I don't think I'm gonna try GMAT again... People prepare months for it... I prepared around 2 weeks... got 500... But I think since ur better at Sudoku and you're a writer, you'll definitely do better than me... You know they give scholarships on 650...

Anyway... didya take any pics on the trip?

Ayesha said...

You know when you talked about your work being boring....sometime back...I wanted to sell this MBA idea to you...hehe...
This is great!Infact I am also contemplating on Distance Learning MBA...lets see what comes of it.

Perhaps your score is a disappointment by YOUR standards but by USUAL standards it's reasonably good....I tell ya had you devoted more time to prep you'd be happy with your result!

I am scared of comparisons with Techies.You know,friends say that in MBA prep classes these Techies sit in the first row and before the instructor finishes the question they have an answer ready,esp in the math section!The rest of the class sits feels soo de-moralized!

No pics...:(
a)I suck at photography
b)Tried taking a few...but realized that these photos captured less than 20% of the real beauty....abandoned all efforts after that!